Call Fee: +2€ (also applies to the app) - Appointment Fee (booking form) +5€

Price list Taxi

Hermes Taxi Services, with all the respect to our customers, informs you that the Phone call charge is an additional fee of 2€ and the pre-arranged appointments to 3 €. We ask for your understanding
during the summer months when there is an increase in calls. We assure you that our call centers, together with our
drivers, are willing to do the best for you.
Thank you for your support and patience.


At start The taxi accept card payments (POS)
Rate per km. inside city limits-p.l. Νο1
Rate per km. outside city limits-p.l. Νο2
Radio taxi:Simple call or appointment
Waiting time per hour
To airports – from airports
From sea ports & interstate bus station
Night tarif from 24:00 to 05:00(p.l. Νο2)
Baggage offer 10 kgs each
Minimum charge
The consumer is not obliged to pay if the notice of payment has not been received (receipt-invoice)